The District of Columbia’s infants, toddlers, and families deserve a strong, healthy start in life.
The good news? DC continues to implement strong policies and investments to promote good health, creating opportunities to fund evidence-based programs like HealthySteps.

Babies & Toddlers in DC
Source: ZERO TO THREE, State of Babies Yearbook, 2023.
Billing, Coding, and Payment Resources
DC Crosswalk of HS-Aligned Services with Billing Codes and Provider Types
Highlights commonly billable HealthySteps and HealthySteps-aligned services with corresponding allowable, billable providers.
DC Billing and Coding Guide
Comprehensive guide of commonly billable HealthySteps and HealthySteps-aligned services with corresponding allowable, billable providers.
DC Medicaid Helpful Sources
Important resources for information on billing and coding information within the District of Columbia's Medicaid program.