HealthySteps Epic® Implementation Turbocharger

HealthySteps Epic® Implementation Turbocharger

The HealthySteps Epic Turbocharger package is a first-of-its kind electronic health records (EHR) resource, designed to help sites better leverage their Epic software to capture comprehensive HealthySteps and HealthySteps-aligned data across all patient Tiers—driving continuous quality improvement in service delivery and outcomes for babies, toddlers and their families. 

Key functionalities include: 

  • documenting Tier level  
  • creating an encounter  
  • facilitating HealthySteps documentation workflows  
  • building referral orders  
  • automating the building of reports for HealthySteps measures
Implementing the Turbocharger package

The Turbocharger is free to download for all HealthySteps sites using Epic. However, additional work will be required to activate the solution and make it available your site’s production environment. There are several financial and non-financial costs associated with this project that you should consider in your decision-making process. 

If your site is interested in implementing the Epic Turbocharger package and you have not yet had conversations with the National Office or our technology partner, Nordic, please contact Laila Fritz to learn more, including potential implementation costs, and to receive priority support from the National Office product team to set up your EHR system for timely implementation.

If your site uses Epic and you are prepared to implement the package, you can access directions for downloading the Turbocharger, the updated HS Epic Implementation Guide, and view additional resources related to the Turbocharger here. Use the same password that was provided to view the recording of the 2023 webinar about the Turbocharger. Contact us if you need help accessing the page.

A turbocharger package is a collection of records created by Epic that can be quickly and easily imported into your existing system, enabling you to integrate the delivered content into your desired user workflows.

The HealthySteps Epic Implementation Turbocharger package provides ready-made templates for documentation and reporting, allowing sites to customize Epic for HealthySteps workflows, including:

  • Collecting Patient Entered Screening Questionnaires
  • Documenting a HealthySteps Tier Level
  • Documenting a Patient Encounter for HealthySteps Specialists
  • Documenting Referrals to Support Services or Community-Based Organizations
  • Reviewing Past HealthySteps Encounter Documentation
  • Filing Billing Charges for Eligible HealthySteps Services
  • Tracking Program Fidelity Metrics and Patient Population Statistics

The Turbocharger also includes a data dashboard to support the HealthySteps Annual Site Reporting.

The HealthySteps Epic Turbocharger package replaces the previous HealthySteps Epic Implementation Playbook. It provides ready-made templates, based on the guidance in the Playbook, that can be downloaded and used by sites with an Epic platform. The Turbocharger streamlines much of the work (~80%) required to implement the Playbook and optimize your EHR for HealthySteps workflows.

If your site used the Playbook to customize your instance of Epic and you have not yet discussed next steps with the National Office or our technology partner, Nordic, please contact us to learn more.

Full implementation of the Turbocharger package should allow you to use your Epic EHR platform as a one-stop-shop and get the EHR information you need without using Welly. 

The Turbocharger is provided at no cost for all HealthySteps sites using Epic. However, additional work will be required to activate the solution and make it available your site’s production environment. There are several financial and non-financial costs associated with this project that you should consider in your decision-making process. Contact us to learn more.

The Epic Turbocharger package is only usable by sites or systems using Epic for their electronic health records (EHR) platform. However, we are in the process of developing resources for other commonly used EHR platforms, so stay tuned! In the meantime, Welly and other resources are available to aid in data collection and reporting for all HealthySteps sites.   

Still have questions? Please contact [email protected]. 

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